World Overcomers Church is located in Memphis, TN and was originally founded in 1944 in an area where the need for discipleship and the love of Jesus was greatly needed in order to combat some of the issues of the inner city. Their pastor’s heart for the city and for the under-served community has been part of their DNA from the beginning and with that, a high priority and genuine commitment to outreach.
With a weekly attendance of over 3000 individuals, World Overcomers Church also has church campuses in Jackson, TN, Holly Springs, MS, and a daughter church in Haiti, and a Hispanic church in their neighborhood. They also support missions and outreaches all over the world. Chris Davis, Chief Ministry Officer & Elder at World Overcomers Church uses VOMO to help manage the volunteer program that powers all of their incredible ministries.
“We are a church that believes in the gift of administration, and in organization and structure,” explained Davis. “Data provides a measure of how effective we’re being for the Kingdom of God. That said, it can also be intimidating and cumbersome… not only in recruiting new volunteers, but in raising up new leaders within ministries.” Finding an easier way to track that data is important for furthering the mission at World Overcomers Church.
Fortunately, the team found a solution in VOMO. Davis says, “VOMO provides an easy and fun way for us to measure the effectiveness of our Helps ministries, provides the analytics we need to help target demographic groups within our ministry.”
“VOMO is a user-friendly and intuitive platform that allows me to get information for our metrics and reporting at a glance. And again, it’s fun.”
One of the best parts of using VOMO for World Overcomers Church is how it helps reduce the time spent on manual processes. Davis shares their process in managing their Parking Lot ministry before VOMO. “Historically, I would have to text the team leader to verify whether everyone served on their assigned Sunday, and wait a day or so to hear back whether there were any issues.”
Now with VOMO, they are able to make that entire process much easier and faster for everyone. “With VOMO,” says Davis, “I simply can just go to that project and look up that information at a glance and provide what is really a very simple report in a matter of moments as opposed to a matter of days. And it’s easily integrated into our existing culture.”
The team at World Overcomers Church has been thrilled to see greater engagement with their volunteers through VOMO. They are launching 18 outreach ministries from their church that range from health ministries to homelessness and domestic violence support programs. These programs are designed to lovingly impact their community with real, applicable, down-to-earth assistance.
With all of these programs on VOMO, the church is seeing more members engage. “Just yesterday,” Davis shares, “I received a VOMO notification of a young lady who has used the platform to volunteer for our victim support outreach. [She] has been a member here for 3 years, and there is no indication that she has served anywhere else in our church. Why not? Maybe she was looking for the serving opportunity that was unique to how God made her. And because of VOMO, it looks like she may have found it.”
With the right tools in place, World Overcomers Church is looking forward to a future of greater engagement and better volunteer experiences.
“I’m excited because it’s our time. We have a tool in our toolkit now to effectively march toward the next move of God for our church and for our city. I’m fired up and ready to go to work.”
VOMO provides the recruitment, mobilization, and reporting tools you need to create responsive Volunteer experiences without the back office headaches.